Peru - subscription

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  • Regular price $14.50

Region: Cajamarca
Farm: Wilder Garcia
Variety: Bourbon /  Caturra / Typica / Gesha / Java
Altitude: 1800 masl
Process: Washed


Cupping Notes - Peach, pear, starfruit, citrus, and honey provide a medium acidity and  heavy body

Wilder Garcia maintains a close relationship with the health of his coffee trees. At 1800masl, his 23-hectare farm enjoys an ideal climate for growing Arabica coffee, which spans 16 hectares of land.

Wilder began implementing a Tissue Management System (TMS) on his coffee farm six years ago to achieve a productive balance. The system relies on a two-year cycle and is applied in blocks. Caturra, Bourbon, Typica, Geisha, and Java varietals grow here, and their tissue management depends largely on the skeletal style of the trees. In 2020, Wilder also renovated four hectares with new coffee plants.

After the harvest, cherries are often depulped on the same day and fermented for 48 hours in hermetic tanks before drying in solar dryers. The farm produces around 720 quintals of parchment annually (1 quintal = 46kg of green coffee beans).