
  • Sale
  • Regular price $14.50

Region: Yirgacheffe
Farm: Various Smallholders
Variety: Heirloom
Altitude: 1950- 2150 masl
Process: Washed

Cupping Notes:

Medium body and mild acidity with floral, jasmine, melon, green tea, and bergamont flavors.

About this Coffee

Yirgacheffe’s renowned cup profile owes much to its high altitude. At higher altitudes, coffee trees must work harder to bear fruit and the cherries take longer to mature. During this extended maturation period, the coffee absorbs more flavor, resulting in a richer, more developed taste.

Deliciously fragrant and floral, this new organic washed Yirgacheffe is hard to resist. Its mild acidity makes it ideal for a number of brewing methods.

 About this Region

Widely considered the birthplace of coffee, Yirgacheffe is a micro-region in Sidama, Ethiopia’s leading coffee-producing region. Its lush climate and mountainous topography are ideal for producing some of the finest Arabica coffees—fruity and floral, bright and balanced. The region is common for “garden coffee” production, where smallholder farmers grow coffee fruits and vegetables alongside coffee, which is their primary cash crop. Most of the coffee grown in smaller plots of land are farmed organically, though not certified as such.