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  • Regular price $14.50



Farm: Various small holders
Variety: Caturra, Typica, Castillo
Altitude: 1650 - 2200 masl
Process: Washed


A medium body and  acidity with flavors of milk chocolate, caramel, dried cherry and orange.

This certified organic green coffee from Colombia’s Antioquia department offers a sweet, clean cup with notes of milk chocolate, caramel, dried fruit and hints of citrus. Grown by smallholders at altitudes ranging from 1650 – 2200 meters above sea level, this blend of Castillo, Caturra and Typica coffee varietals was fully washed, sundried and sorted to minimize defects


Colombian green coffee production began in Antioquia. The region dominated and was where the Federacíon Nacional de Cafeteros (FNC) was established in 1920. Today, Antioquia is the second largest coffee-producing region in Colombia after Huila. Antioquia represents an estimated 16% of the country’s massive coffee output.

Antioquia is characterized by hills and valleys along the slopes of the Andes. The climate is stable year-round, with warmer valleys and cooler mountains, contributing to a pleasant cup profile that includes sweet, spicy, nutty, and fruity notes.

Colombia is a fresh coffee powerhouse. The country boasts16 coffee-producing regions, three mountain ranges, numerous micro-climates and two coffee-harvests each year.

Colombian green coffee is impossible to generalize due to the uniqueness of its coffee-producing regions. Colombian coffee is traditionally washed (processed) at the farm level, but an increasing number of producers are adopting new and innovative processing methods as their understanding of coffee biochemistry grows.

Most Colombian coffee farmers are smallholders. Over half a million farmers collectively contribute around 16% of the country’s agricultural GDP.