
  • Sale
  • Regular price $14.50

Region: El Paraiso
Farm: Various smallholders
Variety: Parainema
Altitude: 1300 - 1400 masl
Process: Washed


Cupping Notes - Chocolate, brown sugar, red berry and citrus with a bright acidity and light body 

El Paraiso is the largest coffee-growing region in the south of Honduras, along the border of Nicaragua. It's also one of the oldest coffee farming departments. Temperatures run a little warmer here, from 16 to 22.5°C. and altitudes range from 1,000 to l,400masl. Coffee production is the main source of income here and creates over a thousand jobs for the local population.  El  Paraiso is surrounded by the  El Chile biological reserve, a vast mountain range rich with quality soil. unique microclimates, and high altitudes.

While Catuai is the most common green coffee variety grown in Honduras, the lnstituto Hondureno del Cafe (IHCAFE) has been hard at work researching and developing improved varietals for farmers to maximize their production. A newer variety introduced by IHCAFE is Parainema - a dwarf cultivar that combines Villa Sarchi with a Timor Hybrid - is highly resistant to coffee leaf rust.

Parainema coffee is valued for its unique cup profile and easily recognized by its thin, elongated bean shape. It was first introduced in 2010 in the department of El Paraiso, hence the naming of this variety.