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  • Regular price $14.50

Region: Batak
Farm: Various Small Holders
Variety: Typica - Catimor
Altitude: 1200 - 1700 masl
Process: Wet-Hulled


Cupping Notes - Natural almond, chocolate, and lemongrass, a mild acidity with a full body provide for a rich yet earthy cup


Sumatra  Mandheling Green Coffee Beans

Sumatra Mandheling coffee beans are known for having a taste that is rich, full-bodied, earthy, rustic yet have a mild acidity. While higher acidity coffees overall are a deeply satisfying brew, it can be too much for coffee drinkers who prefer a milder experience. The low acidity makes Sumatra Mandheling a great option for people with acid sensitivities. The Catimor and Typica coffee plants harvested for the natural almond, chocolate, and lemongrass notes are enhanced by wet-hulling and sun drying the coffee beans. While there is increased experimentation among processing methods in Indonesia, the cultural predominance and economic advantages of wet hulling continue to permeate the region giving its unique flavors.


Wet-Hulled Coffee Process (Giling Basah)

Unroasted coffee from Sumatra is truly differentiated by its unique wet-hulled (giling basah) processing method. The process uses water to remove the cherry's red pulp and mucilage, while also removing the parchment layer in a "wet huller". By removing the parchment layer the bean dries faster, which is beneficial in Indonesia's wet climate.

 The wet-hulled process gives Sumatra its signature intense earthy flavors of cedar and tobacco, as well as rich, sweet chocolate. With Sumatra Aceh Mandheling roasters can dive into the deep, rustic and sweet character of Indonesian coffee.